Tuesday, 16 April 2013

Blog is moving!

Hey everyone! I have moved my blog over to a new site, you can now find everything over at www.mattlawtonbass.com

This site will stay live for a while but bookmark www.mattlawtonbass.com for all new updates. Alternatively sign up to my mailing list to get the latest straight into your inbox!

Friday, 12 April 2013

Lick Of The Month #11

Almost a full year of licks! LOTM#11 is another ii V I walking bass line, this time taken from 'Bag's Groove' taken from the Miles Davis album of the same name. The bassist on the record is Percy Heath, if you like what you hear check out the other posts I've written on him here!

Saturday, 16 March 2013

New Song From Janek Gwidala

If you don't know who Janek Gwizdala is then you're missing out! One of the most influential and inspirational musicians around at the minute, in my opinion of course! Janek has just posted a track from his forth coming new album, 'Theatre By The Sea', and it's definitely worth checking out, you can stream it direct from Janek's blog here!

If you like what you hear, you can download ALL of his back catalogue for FREE from BandCamp, and I suggest that you do.

What do you think of the tune? Leave your comments below! 

Thursday, 14 March 2013

Lick Of The Month #10

Here we are again for LOTM#10 and we've got another gem from Miles Davis. This one is taken from my transcription of 'Blues By Five' and is played over a ii V I progression.

Friday, 8 March 2013

Are You Looking For Awesome Tone??

I've been a SansAmp user for about two years now, I initially got hold of the SansAmp Bass Driver DI to use as an overdrive that wouldn't be too harsh, however I soon found that my bass sounded so good with it on that I never turned it off!

That's why I upgraded to this bad boy!

Thursday, 14 February 2013

Lick Of The Month #9

February's LOTM is a super versatile walking bass ii V I. I've taken it from the 'Solar' bass transcription I posted last week. It's really simple which makes it easy to apply to a lot of tunes.

Saturday, 2 February 2013

Solar Bass Transcription

'Solar' from the album "Walkin'" by Miles Davis, is a full on ii V work out! This transcription looks at how Percy Heath approaches the first four choruses. The tune is 12 bars long and can be split into 4 ii V's of all shapes and sizes.

Tuesday, 29 January 2013

White Lights - Jon Lawton

The first song from my bro's upcoming album has been released, with yours truly on bass of course!

Go check it out on Soundcloud, it's super catchy too so make sure to send it around! 

Bass was recorded on a '93 Wenge/Maple Fretless Warwick Fortress One, DI'd at Crosstown Studios. I played the bass on most tracks from this album too so keep your eyes peeled for more soon!

Saturday, 12 January 2013

Lick Of The Month #8

To kick off 2013, the first LOTM is a nice chilled out ii V I from valve trombonist, Bob Brookmeyer that appears on Stan Getz's version of Misty. This version of the song is down a whole step from the way it is usually performed, which I must admit did cause me a lot of confusion trying to figure out the theory behind this lick. Moral of the tale is 'Always Check The Chords!'